Regular Course
(Duration: 4 months)
Every person involved in any amount of public dealing needs to have a working knowledge of English. To speak English fluently, it is very important to have a good knowledge of grammar and sentence construction. It is not just speaking but speaking good and proper English that matters. This course starts from the very basics of grammar and guides the students through sentence formation, report writing & finally public speaking.
Intermediate Course
(Duration: 3 months)
Basic grammar is a topic often taught in schools and many students are good at it. This knowledge of basic grammar, though important, is not sufficient to speak English. Thus the ideal course which revises what is already taught and then goes deep into advanced grammar to cement the foundation. Then it ventures into other topics like report writing, public speaking and group discussion.
Advance Course
(Duration: 45 days)
Having bookish knowledge of English does not always help in speaking the language properly. Practice is as important as grammatical concepts for fluency in speaking. The advanced course does just that with total emphasis on interactive topics like public speaking, group discussion, and conversation. A course ideally suited for people having a good command over written English but lack the confidence to speak it fluently .
Basic English and Grammar Courses:
This course aims at strengthening comprehension, communication and writing skills by using advanced grammar. focus will be on the development of conversational skills with the proper language will be able to use communicative strategies to maintain a conversation in different context and situation. you will able to read and produce general texts and about then quotidian aspects of life. you will begin to deal confidently with authentic listening and reading material.
- English Self Introduction
- simple sentence formation
- Basic Vocabulary
- Confusing pair of words
- Routine words
- Introduction to tenses
- question Handling
- Active and passive voice
- Imaginary sentence
- preposition
- Modals
- Advance Vocabulary
- Pronunciation
- Dialogue and Conversation
- Role Plays
- Story telling
- Speeches
- Article writing
- Expressing Day to Day Activities
- Group Discussion
- Speaking fluency
- Idioms and phrases