Different Streams Of NIOS Board

Stream I NIOS Board (Save Time)
7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th & 12th failed students can get admission to pass directly 10th & 12th in stream 1st of NIOS Board- CBSE pattern.

Stream II NIOS Board (Save Year)
Failed student from any recognised board of India can get admission & pass 10th & 12th in same year through NIOS Board in Stream 2 CBSE pattern.

Stream III & IV NIOS Board (Save Time & Year)
Failed student from any recognised board of India can pass within 45 days through On- Demand Examination System (ODES) by getting admission in NIOS Board CBSE pattern.

There are so many students who are good in one subject but weak in others which results to fail in finaL exams. In NIOS, you can appear for few subjects in first half of the year and for the remaining subject next half of the session.
In this way students can pass simple subjects in first attempt & difficult subjects later. Even one can clear his classes without going to schools & NIOS is the best option for them.
Successful Learners Form NIOS Board

Shri Vinayak College – Cbse Private/Cbse Open (Coaching Classes) provides opportunities for those students who left out their study due to any reason, who got failed in 10th or 11th or students who don’t have proper guidance & support so that they can complete their study without wasting year. SVC Specially helps Girl Child and Economically weaker section to complete their study at very less cost. Students can complete their study without going to school through CBSE SVC or CBSE Private/Correspondence with complete guidance & support from us. Through SVC students can get the same CBSE Certificate which is provided by the normal schools of CBSE. This Website helps students to seek any kind of information related to Admission forms, Eligibility Criteria, Classes timings, CBSE Approved Certifications, Last Dates of Submission of Shri Vinayak College– Cbse Patrachar/Cbse Private/Cbse Open (Coaching Classes), CBSE Open School, CBSE Correspondence and CBSE Private. We provide Regular Classes as well as Weekend Classes for Patrachar Students, CBSE Open School, CBSE Correspondence & CBSE Private candidates.
Don’t Waste Precious Year
Those students who have droped out or could not qualify in Secondary or Sr. Sec school can join Shri Vinayak College for saving their precious years. It is a revolutionary step of SVC which can shape the career of thousands of students.
Fundamental Right Of Education
It has opened new vistas of education for fail students / dropouts / students / having gap in their studies.
Registration is open for the following categories:
- Failures / dropouts male and female students.
- Bonafide residents of Delhi.
- Students having gap in their studies.
- Students who are not able to pay.
- Heavy amount of fees in public schools.